Seal Kit Rear Crank GACO type TR2-4A


Crankshaft Gaco lip type rear oil seal kit, suitable for TR2-4A, Vanguard and Ensign etc.

This kit heralds the end of oil leaks from the rear main bearing seal. The scroll is machined off the crankshaft down to 63.5mm and a Gaco type lip seal is fitted.

The kit comes complete with a new aluminium housing, a special split seal, fitting instructions and assembly grease.
RTR have tried all the available kits and came up with their own tried and tested seal kit.
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Crankshaft Gaco lip type rear oil seal kit, suitable for TR2-4A, Vanguard and Ensign etc. This kit heralds the end of oil leaks from the rear main bearing seal. The scroll is machined off the crankshaft down to 63.5mm and a Gaco type lip seal is fitted.

The kit comes complete with a new aluminium housing, a special split seal, fitting instructions and assembly grease. Spare seals are also available separately.

There are few versions of this kit on the market and here at Revington TR we tried them all in our engines with poor results before deciding to make our own. One such kit tells the fitter to grind the crank incorrectly and the housing was incorrectly made, another has a vital dimension incorrect such that the seal can sit out of true to the crank, and another had a vital feature of the housing completely missing. Needless to say it would be professionally inappropriate to say whom these suppliers were; suffice to say these other kits are still available and causing headaches. Remember that you will only find a problem once the engine is started. In some cases we have come across, the immediate oil leakage has been more than would be expected from a
completely worn out standard seal arrangement! And when you find the problem, its engine out time. Not good news!

Fitting instructions available on requested to see what’s involved with carrying out this modification.